Tuesday, August 4, 2009

First post!

I guess I'll keep this thing going for now ...

Speaking of change, yesterday was Lil Bit's first day in her new daycare. She had really bonded with her friends and teachers, so I was concerned about how she'd do with such a move.

I shouldn't have worried.

When we picked her up, her teachers had an incredulous look on their faces. They said that it was like she had been there her entire life. Ironically, another girl started that day and was in her class, and apparently Lil Bit hit it off with her. When Mom dropped them off this morning, they repeated what was said earlier; it was like she had always been there. In fact, Mom said that, when they got there, Lil Bit ran down the hall and said "Look Mom, it's my room!"

I hope next week goes that well for me.


  1. yessssssss!!!! so happy you kept up your blog! i'm sure you will fit right in at your new place, just like Lil Bit :)

  2. Welcome to the blogspot world!

    That is so great that your daughter took to the new daycare so well. What a huge relief that must be for you and your wife.

    I hope your transition to your new job goes just as well.

  3. I am so glad that you are continueing...now maybe I won't have to stalk you on FB.

  4. By the way, that Lil Bit sounds like a pleasure to have around...

  5. you have no idea how happy i am to see this blog!!! yah!!! :D

  6. Good to see you sticking around! Can't wait to hear how the new job works out. Hope it's a smooth transition.

  7. And you even show up in my feed reader now! Awesome!

  8. Welcome back! I've added the new addy to my blogroll.
