Sunday, October 11, 2009


Dang it, the weekend's almost over. I'm not ready to head back to the salt mines ...

Sweet Pea had a sleepover Friday night, and it went well. Little Man and me went to the local high school football game, giving them some time to themselves to get settled. She's had several sleepovers before, but this one seemed different. They seemed to really click, nobody tried to dominate the other one, and they had a blast. We then had friends over Saturday night to watch the Southern Miss game - didn't turn out like we wanted, but we had fun. We then went out to lunch after church with some friends (including Lil Bit's "boyfriend"). He rode with us, so we got to listen (and laugh at) their old married routine - fighting and getting along, then repeating the process.

Speaking of Lil Bit, she cracked us up the other night. I had had one of THOSE days at work, and was pretty wound up. As you know, it's hard to talk seriously when you're being interrupted by "Momma, Daddy" so we went and locked ourselves in the bedroom. Before we did, Lil Bit said "No huggin' or kissin' OK?" We laughed, then went on in so I could vent. A little while later, we hear this voice coming from under the door; "Are y'all done yet?" That helped my mood a lot.


  1. that Lil Bit is a riot!!! good to hear from the Doghouse :)

  2. Too funny! Dr. Wifey is right. It is good to hear from you. However, from the sounds of it the work transition is stressful. I wouldn't doubt it since you went to the Dept. of Education. *sigh* After seven years of dealign with them it is why I am homeschooling my boys. Just know I am praying for you and really, really am thankful that there is someone like you there!

    Go hug and kiss your wife! (Despite Lil' Bit's protests!) It is good for you.

  3. don't tell GB!!! sounds like fun!

  4. Sounds like things are hopping for you!

  5. how sweet...oh, and bow chicka bow wow. ;)

  6. That lil bit is so cute!

    Glad the sleepover went well. Nice when everyone gets along well.
