Friday, October 23, 2009

Where'd it go?

It was a lot easier to get Little Man out of bed yesterday than usual; checking to see if the Tooth Fairy showed up does that I guess. After checking out his gold dollar coin, he got a pensive look on his face. When I asked him what was up, he said "I wonder where the Tooth Fairy went to college." No idea where that came from.

Lil Bit is still on her music kick. She her own, very unique, version of the Hannah Montana theme song almost constantly. This can involve wiggling, kicking and outright dancing. Sometimes it will morph into her singing "Shake your booty, yeah, yeah," complete with dancing (although sometimes she shakes her head more than her booty). Still, she keeps pretty good time for a 3-year-old.


  1. You really need to get her dancing on tape for future blackmailing of course! ;-)

  2. Get that kid some dance lessons.
