Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My day

Mom had to work late (again), so I was flying solo. Little Man doesn't have homework on Wednesdays and Sweetpea finished hers before I picked them up. When I got there, I was greeted by a grinning, snaggle-toothed boy who lost a front one.

We went to a local playground to let them burn off some energy, then headed home to eat. Lil bit is catching on to potty training, and worked on her singing in the process ("Say 'whoa' daddy. No, like this; 'whooooaaa.'").

Some clothes washed, e-mailing a friend and night-night prayers and we call it a day. If I can get them to stay in bed.


  1. you had a full evening! :) Sounds like a lot of fun

  2. Mini-me is about to lose one of her top front teeth. She's so excited.

    You are a good Mr. Mom. =)

  3. glad Lil Bit is doing well with the potty training :) they are growing up so fast
