Friday, August 14, 2009

One down ...

Well, my first week is done.

You know, there's always an adjustment when you move to a new job, and this one is no different in that aspect. However, it's also a major change in both work and environment, so things are even more interesting, in terms of the learning curve. Each day has seemed ... well, without so much unknown facing me.

The kids have also finished their first week of school. Lil Bit is a bit clingy when we drop her off in the morning at her new class, but she's also got one of her best buddies in there, and, from what we've heard, things are going fine and they're hanging out frequently. The older two seem to be fine with their new teachers, class and everything else. Hope it stays that way.


  1. what exactly are you doing in your new job?

  2. glad to hear everyone is adjusting well!

  3. Congratulations on getting through your first week! It's all downhill now. :-)

  4. New jobs are scary. However not as scary as "no jobs" congratulations on the new position and hope all goes well!

    Remember (as a wise old Topiary once said) you're not there to work, you're there to make friends!

    Maybe, anyway.


  5. i'm so glad to hear things are going well. you deserve it!!! :D

  6. Pretty soon you will have it all figured out and you will be on your way to running things! So glad you started a new blog. Wouldn't be the same without you.
