Thursday, September 3, 2009

Drive-by posting

Things have been hectic and I haven't had time to get on here, but thought I'd do an update. My MIL had her MRI done, but because of some confusion between the two doctors involved, we still don't have results. We're trying to get some stuff worked out with Sweet Pea as well; we'll see where that goes. Plus both of the older kids are starting to get the bug to get involved with things, so we're trying to juggle all of that as well and see what we can pull off and what we can manage.

Lil Bit had some issues at the new daycare, primarily with someone she called the "scary boy." I think he's been pulled out though, so hopefully things will get better. She's been in a better mood the last couple of days when we dropped her off, so hopefully that's a good sign.

So, who's ready for a long weekend?


  1. Sounds like you've been busy! I hope everything works out with your MIL and the MRI results.

  2. I pray your MIL gets better soon.

    Beginning of school is crazy, huh? Bet you'll be taking in a game this weekend, won't you?

  3. Glad to see you! Hang in there, it will all calm down in 18-20 years!
