Thursday, September 10, 2009

This and that

What a day.

While Mom worked late, I got the kids, and then bravely (stupidly?) headed to the grocery store. It went about as well as could be expected, which had my fuse rather short by the time we got home.

At that time, I had to check progress reports on the older two kids. My first thought was "Why can't they talk in English instead of telling me the grade in rote base something." I then read Little Man's report from his teacher, who said "What can I say? He's an outstanding student and a very sweet and well-mannered boy." OK, that helped my mood some.

Dinner was ready about the time Mom walked in; good timing. I snuck in on Sweet Pea a little later, seeing her literally lick her plate. Right after that, Lil Bit was scarfing down her food. Guess daddy's dinner was OK.

We ended with Lil Bit bouncing off the walls in some sort of free-form patter.

"I'm a silly monkey face - BLEH!"

"I'm gonna mess you up!"

"Abba Gabba Hey is coming on (OK, there may have been a bit of a Ramones influence in there as I helped her learn the name of the show)!"

"Boom shakalaka BOOM!"


  1. Wow. People with more than one child have my utmost respect. Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to expand the family!

  2. OMgosh I would LOVE to sit and just watch your family one night :)

  3. Wow, a daddy who cooks -- lucky kids!
